Sara's talk, on February 16th, 2017 at the AIA Center in New Orleans, was moderated by Gia Hamilton and presented by NOMAS and AIAS Tulane with the generous support of NOMA Louisiana and AIA New Orleans.
Video by: Bryan Bradshaw
"In April 1996, the Jazz Architectural Workshop (JAWS) convened at Tulane University in New Orleans to consider work in progress in the field of African-American architectural history, theory, criticism, and practice. Nathaniel Belcher, assistant professor of architecture at Tulane, convened JAWS to 'illuminate political and pedagogical issues at stake in the self-conscious articulation of an African-American architectural discourse'.
During the spring of 2016, JAWS 2 hopes to continue the discourse begun 21 years ago. We draw inspiration and talent from architecture, urban design, planning, landscape architecture, urban studies, art, music, activism, community development, communications, political science and other disciplines. JAWS 2 aspires to raise consciousness of emerging work in these fields through an antiracist intersectional feminist lens."